The Outdoor News with Rex Moncrief


Want to Be a Guest on our Show?

Do you want to be a guest on The Outdoor News – or have you been invited by us? It’s really simple, but there are a few things that will help the process go as smoothly as possible.

Our preferred method is to have guests join via their iPhone, Android, iPad, or via computer. If you have a bad or weak connection, we do offer a dial-in number that allows you to call from a cell or landline (see below).

(1) Link to Join –> we will text or email you a simple link that works on mobile phones or computers. We don’t publish it in an effort to keep out bots, etc.

It’s pretty easy to connect – just give your browser on your phone or computer access to the MIC and CAMERA when asked!

(2) We have a call in phone number you can use from a landline. Again we will txt or email you that phone number if you have no internet access or are in a bad data area!

(3) Here are some helpful tips to insure a smooth experience:

We ask that guests try to test the link and connection around 15 mins prior to the START OF THE SHOW (not necessarily the start of your segment).

—If joining a show by your iPhone / iPad or Android—

*Phone calls / txt may interrupt your session with us.
*Please put your iPhone / iPad / Android in “Do Not Disturb” if possible.
*Please swipe off any other apps
*If you get disconnected simply click the link again or send us a txt and we will assist.
*You may experience some ECHO – turn down your speaker volume as much as possible but where you can still hear the interview – this is why ear buds / headphones are encouraged.
*You MUST allow your phone / computer browser access to your microphone.
iPhone -> Settings -> Safari -> Microphone (near bottom) & Camera -> ASK or ALLOW
iPhone -> Settings -> Chrome -> Microphone & Camera -> Swiped Green (on)

—If you are joining from a computer—
*Close out all programs that are not needed
*We recommend using either Chrome or the Brave browser
*Make sure whatever browser you use has permission for your microphone and camera

***Earbuds or headphones or bluetooth earpiece are strongly encouraged (to help eliminate echo) but not required.

—How to Join when it’s time—

(a) Please click the join link that will be sent to you.
(b) ALLOW access to the camera / mic when prompted.
(c) You will be temporarily placed in a “green/holding room” until we bring you in live.
(d) We will try to do a test and audio check about 15 mins prior to the show start time. You can stay “on hold” until your turn in the show or disconnect and we can bring you back in at the appropriate time.

—CALL IN Method—

You will call the CALL IN phone number from ANY landline or cell phone. You will join with audio only (like a radio show) and we will display a picture of you on the video feed. This works well in areas with weak internet connectivity, etc.